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VirtualCareNS lab requisition process

Information on how incoming lab results are processed.

Updated over a year ago

For lab requisitions issued on the VCNS partnership, where you were the issuing provider, once the results are uploaded, they will appear on the patient’s profile in Maple and you will receive a notification.

VCNS providers are responsible for reviewing lab results uploaded on Maple and following up with patients when required.

Patient notifications for VirtualCareNS lab results

In all cases (normal, abnormal, critical/urgent), patients will receive an email indicating a result has been added to their profile. The email will indicate where follow-up is required:

  • If follow-up is indicated as NO, the patients receive an email indicating normal results have been added to their profile.

  • If follow-up is indicated as YES, the patient receives an email advising them to follow-up on an abnormal result.

  • If the patient has a critical or urgent result (ie. requires follow-up within 48-hours), the Maple team will call the patient directly in addition to the email. Our team will email the issuing provider to close the loop in these cases.

For more information about the VirtualCareNS program, check out the VirtualCareNS program guide.

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