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Viewing lab results

You can view lab results for all requisitions issued on Maple.

Updated over 9 months ago

All Maple lab and DI forms results are sent back to Maple. Once received, the results are reviewed by our Clinical Care Team, who uploads them to the patient's profile. You can view lab results for all requisitions issued on Maple. Select an option below to learn more.

Viewing results where you are the initial treating physician

To view lab results for requisition that you issue:

  1. Select Requisitions from the left-hand menu on your Maple dashboard.

    1. New lab results will have a blank status.

  2. Managing results:

    1. If results are available, click the results column to see the date the results were posted and download the results. When you expand the Results Available field, you’ll see whether the patient was advised that follow-up was required or not.

    2. Clicking on the icon in the Charting column allows you to review or add charting details to the private notepad for the consultation.

    3. Click on the Notes icon to review notes added by Maple’s Clinical Care admin team (available in web browser only).

Viewing results for a requisition issued by another provider

  1. In a consultation with a patient, select "Past Consults" from the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.

2. A list of all previous consultations will appear. Click on a date to open the consultation summary.

3. If lab requisitions were issued, there will be a Requisitions tab in the consultation summary.

  • If results have been uploaded, you can download them by clicking on the attached file.

  • If results are not yet available, you can open the requisition form to view the tests that were issued.

If you have received lab results directly for a requisition issued on Maple (either faxed to your practice or uploaded to the Care Connect portal), please forward the results to Maple's lab inbox by faxing to 1-855-632-4962.

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